The Naga - Once a proud member of the cow family, is quickly becoming harder to find. In fact, I dare say you have never seen a Naga. These shy creatures are typically found in the deserts of southwest Mississippi.
Since the early 1950's the Nagas have been hunted for their hides which are used as coverings in restaurant booths and cheap sofas (you know the kind that stick to your skin).
One reason for the popularity of the naga-hide is the wide variety of sub-species available. For instance:
Faux Leather [nomoreus moous]
Checkerboard Pattern [sixtyfourus squari]
Spotted Metalic [doti thingus]
Due to the coldheartedness of upolstry companies and bad inferior desicrators (interior decorators), the Naga population has dwindled to near extinction.
Our goal at the Save A Naga Society is to have the Naga placed on the U.S. Endangered Species List so that this innocent animal will no longer have to deal with further abuse and so we don't have to look at the "ugly material" [unsolicited commentary].
If you are interested in becoming a Fellow of the Society United for Naga and Related Geopropitious Holistics (SUFNARGH), send all correspondence and large donations (U.S. dollars preferred) to:
Save the Naga
89 N Cooper Street
Memphis, TN 38104